Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Green Earth

I read about Maldives President considering moving the whole country out of Maldives, to escape the rising sea level. My first thought - " Man I need to visit this beautiful place before it vanishes off the face off the earth". Wait, this whole country is going to loose all its beautiful land, relocating to a different place and they will have to almost start like a new civilization may be they will have to change their food habit and traditions and rituals( most of the rituals are based on your habitat).How selfish can I get ??? I was a little ashamed of myself.

As soon as there is a mention of Global warming or rising sea level or climatic changes as a result of human activity you will find three category of people -
One - People like me who want to slow down the process and try to plant more trees , reduce my carbon foot print , conserve water, use less resources and in what ever you do think of what it is going to do to the earth.
Two - People who argue that all this is crap and don't believe in all this and go ahead and use stuff as long as they /their credit cards can pay for it.
Three - People who are not bothered either ways.

I just want to say the number two and three types is why do you take a vehicle insurance when you know you are an amazing driver and know will not crash up??????
I guess the answer to that question form most of the people will be just to be on the safer side :).
Well, you have your answer to the global warming situation too. You are not sure if it is the the effect of human activities just to be on the safer side reduce the utilization and play it safe.

Things each one of us can do in our daily life to help the earth.
1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator .It is good exercise .
2. Walk/cycle as much as you can instead of taking a vehicle.
3. Use your washer ,dryer , dishwasher on cold cycle ( NOTE : you get detergents for cold wash).
4. RECYCLE every small thing you can and as much as you can.I WOULD SAY THIS IS RULE NUMBER ONE as we cannot completely stop the consumption of things.
5. Buy local stuff that do not come in multiple packing with cartons and plastic casing etc.
6. Turn off your the power in a room if no one is in the room.
7. Buy a bottle and keep refilling it and using it instead of buying bottled water.
8. Take your own personal coffee mug to work instead of using the paper cups.
9. Cook with the lid closed that way things get heated/ cooked faster.
10. Use a sweater preferably than turning on the heater
11. Open the blinds for sunlight instead of turning on the light.
12. Carry your own shopping bags made of cloth instead of getting the double or triple plastic bagged grocery.
13. Can be done mostly in India separate all the compost and non compost stuff and dig a pit and put all the compostible stuff. If you are a plant lover you can use this as a fertilizer for your garden/kitchen garden.
14.Plant more trees :-)

As of now I can only remember these as and when I remember will keep adding stuff to this list.If any has any ideas please let me know will be more than happy to add them with credits given.

NOTE : I do not mean that you completely stop all the stuff you do.But just spare a moment to see what it does to the earth.

Some of the interesting links to read on more
How to compost stuff -
How things are made and stuff - impressive site.
Stop global warming -
Save the earth -

1 comment:

Soujanya.. said...

thats a good post.. not many think bout all this. important though.. a contribution that an individual does might seem just like a drop but it will surely make a difference to the ocean :)