Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Table etiquettes

NOTE: Before you start reading this is no blog with how to place your fork and knife or which fork to use for what or which spoon is for what. If you can here hoping for it I advise you read no further.

As the saying goes one mans food is another mans poison( or vice versa ).
That does not give the person who thinks the other food is poison ( mind it he only assumes and thinks does not know for sure) to sit on the same table and make dirty faces or pass comments about the other persons food. I have met quiet a few people who sit on your table and then look at your food and make a face with an expression "MY GOD HOW THE HELL CAN YOU EAT THAT?? " or the ones who taste what you have got before you can taste it yourself and then make "THE GOD SAVE ME I AM DYING THE FOOD TASTES SO BAD " expression and to add to it they say "THIS IS THE WORST THING I HAVE EATEN OR THIS TASTES LIKE CRAP (I am not sure if they have tasted crap to compare it ) OR I HAVE EATEN BETTER ONES OR GOD!!! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EAT IT " . This blog is an open letter to all those people . Please stop it right now I am not going to shove my food down your throat and you do not have any right to impose your liking and taste on me. You have a problem then shut up and keep your "IDEA/OPINION" to your self. Just because you eat different stuff or have different taste does not mean that you sit on a table with 5 people and say what you think of my food.


My Musings... said...

girl! who prompted you to write that??? u sure sound pissed!

Deepti Dani said...

Hi. True. Looks like someone hacked you off big time.