Saturday, November 15, 2008

Missing THE New York City

Well this is my first attempt at this so, please bear with me if this sucks.

I have had a pretty dull day today only highlight of it being watching friends from morning till night and now this blog. Was suppose to step out and do a little of sight seeing which never materialized sighhhhh.

Well seeing friends has made me thing of New York City(NYC).New York City the port of my entry into the US of A.New York City the city of Times Square,Broadway shows, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park,the city of Fashion,the city of Empire State building ,the Status of Liberty,Wall street,Winter gardens, South sea port,the city of Bryant park and the ice skating rink and the city I called home not too long ago.

New York city the most happening place on the face of earth.No other city can ever compare to New York for one all my beloved friends are there and two the city has the most amazing public transport system that any other place can only dream of. You just have to step out side your, house walk a few steps, take the subway get to Times Square, or go to West 4 or Central park or even the Staten island ferry to get away from all your worries. The city is soo full of life even at 3 at night you will see the subways filled with people , people getting home from work or people getting to work ( yes getting to work that late), you will see all kinds of people. You are never alone in New York City.Even amidst all those strange people you feel at home and comfortable.

As long as I was there I always wanted to get away from the filthy subway stations and dirty streets but then by the time I left the place I was a New Yorker in a lot of ways , the city has grown on me.Its like you leave the city but the city inside you never leaves .The first weekend I moved out of New York I went to watch a movie in the theater, what do I see 8 out of 1o movies were shot and the story based in New York. It was like an eye opener I heard my self say " Man I miss that city".And ever time I miss New York I remember this friend of mine Swathi Ambika ( yeah I know she will kill me for it) who use to call me a traitor for wanting to run away from there.Well, Swa I would love to get back to NYC and call it home again.

I bet a lot of you would have heard the song by Frank Sinatra -New York New York it has been stuck in my head for quiet some time now.I keep dreaming of getting back to New York city for a vacation .

Till then from some one who will always be a New Yorker by heart.


A said...

I miss NYC tooo :(

Kiri said...

Will always remember all the fun we had skating around in Bryant Park.... NY rocks :)

twist knob said...

u spoke my mind shru..will miss this city a lot as i too set sail in search of the (now elusive) american dream

P.S. Welcome to Blogging :)

Divya said...

Cool blog :-). Someone is missing NY a LOT!!

But I missing u a lot!!

Unknown said...

May the spirit of NYC live in our hearts forever